网络环境下中职思想政治教育现状及对策 下载:0 浏览:16
摘要: 随着互联网融入生活,人们的生活变得快捷便利,这对新时代的教育教学也提出了新的挑战,本文主要探究网络环境冲击下中职学校的思想政治教育教学中出现的问题和其重要作用以及应对策略进行探讨。在本文的论述中首先对网络融入中职学生的思想政治教育当中的重要性进行了探讨,分析中职学校教学现状,指明当前互联网融入课堂中所存在的诸多问题,从而去探究如何更好地在中职思想政治教育课上融入新媒体教学,给网络环境下的中职思想政治教育教学工作提出了几点实践建议。
人工智能背景下的人文医学价值及影响 下载:0 浏览:14
摘要: 人文医学是医学中的重要组成部分,也是医学发展到一定阶段的必然产物。人文医学从诞生之初起,通过直面医学面临的问题,以及与其它部门医学的关系互动中,获得独立和发展。在AI医学发展的趋势下,正确处理AI医学与普通医学之间的关系,并实现一种规范医学伦理的平衡,人文医学在这一技术发展背景下能为医者提供价值和方法的双重指引。
核心素养下“读写绘”教学在第一学段语文教学中的实践研究 下载:0 浏览:13
摘要: 第一学段语文教学是指义务教育低年级段(一、二年级)语文教学。在此阶段的语文教学中,教师要以激发学生学习兴趣、培养学生学习主动性、夯实学生语文基础为主要目标设计针对性的教学活动,为学生核心素养的发展奠定坚实基础。在这一教学背景下,教师应转变教学思路,将“读写绘”教学法应用于实践中,整合阅读、写作与绘画,让学生感受到语文的乐趣,能主动参与到多元化的综合性活动中。基于此,文章先基于“读写绘”教学法概念阐述第一学段语文教学中融入“读写绘”教学法的原则,在此基础上提出有效的实践策略,以为广大教育工作者提供有力参考。
Study on Blending Teaching Model Based on Universities’ Network Teaching Platforms 下载:0 浏览:14
摘要: The online teaching platform serves as a software system providing technical support for online education, and due to its convenient educational communication functions, it has been widely applied in various higher education institutions. It supplements traditional classrooms and enhances current talent cultivation models in universities. Among the different teaching methods utilized on these platforms, the blended learning model has become one of the most commonly used approaches in higher education. However, the application of this model across different types of institutions shows significant variation, which inevitably leads to some challenges.This study draws on relevant domestic and international research to analyze the concept, characteristics, and instructional system design theories of the blended learning model. Through an investigation into the current usage of blended learning models on online teaching platforms in higher education, this research identifies the practical challenges faced in the teaching process. The paper systematically examines these issues and offers several scientific and reasonable recommendations aimed at improving the integration of blended learning models into university classrooms. By doing so, it seeks to enhance students' learning efficiency and, to some extent, contribute to the advancement of national education development.